Wednesday 27 July 2011


The original Crystal Mission was a journey to Southern Mexico and Guatemala in 1991, and the book from that journey has been recently republished as the first book of the Mystery Hunter chronicles, after a hiatus of some 19 years in which we have raised a family in the Far North of New Zealand/Aotearoa.

Now, the Crystal Mission trail appears to be opening up again, and the first journey for 2011 has been a mission to Grid Point 44 for the Winter Solstice.  

It was Commander Xiao, a Pleiadian space-ship commander, who gave some of the instructions for the Crystal Mission through a young channel in Auckland, 1991. She instructed us to "journey to the Yucatan" where we observed in awe the total solar eclipse of July 11 1991. Now, her words came rushing back to my mind as we made preparations for our journey to Grid Point 44.

“One of your duties is to re-establish the planetary grid, which at this moment in time is incomplete. Therefore, you are being guided to areas ... special energy points on the planet where the original points of the grid met. And the crystals are instrumental in this as tools for re-energising the area and recreating the grid. In this we would also say that you are doing the correct thing. 

We would add that you already have it programmed, you might say, though that is a very technical term, programmed within you where to place these crystals. You will do this mostly by feeling with every fibre of your being. The general areas you are being led to are correct. The actual details of the placement of the crystals are yet to come. 

What we are telling you is that you already know where to put them, and what you are doing is very important at this time ... to re-establish the protective grid of the planet. To rebalance the magnetic energy of your planet is crucial, There is a great deal of negativity ... negative energy has entered through the holes in the grid and is causing a great deal of damage on Earth. There are also certain spiritually negative entities who have entered through also. Once the grid is re-established, this can no longer occur.”


More instructions came by email from the Archangel Metatron (via James Tyberonn),  about a powerful doorway with its ‘Eclectic Eclipse triad’ coming up in June 2011. Not only was there the power of the Winter Solstice, but also there were 3 eclipses in the month of June 2011. There were two partial solar eclipses on June 1st and July 1st, sandwiching a full moon lunar eclipse on June 15, with the solstice on June 22.

According to Metatron this eclipse triad on the solstice was one of the most magnanimous energies of 2011, and is the gateway to the Crystalline quickening of the 11-11-11. 

“As such, all of you on the earth-plane are now within the field immersion of an incredible crystalline energy. The result is that your own auric fields and Mer-Ka-Na Light bodies are, through induction, becoming extreme energy in motion…

The Triple-Date Portal of November 2011 will be the most potent singular day of the year. Masses of humanity will form the human grid and tie into the Cosmic Energy that is amassed in the final stages of the activating the 144-Crystal Grid. On the 11-11-11 the Atlantean Master Crystals will further activate with the initial awakening of the Crystal of Multidimensional Communication in the Crystal Vortex.”

Thus it was that our journey to Grid Point 44 for the Winter Solstice of 2011 got underway. It was our friends Jasen and Aimee on the Gold Coast who had been wanting to go to this place for a year or so, and prior to the journey Aimee set up a crystal grid manifestation layout at their home, with eight large double terminated quartz crystals. Aimee had some great stories about how she had used this technique very successfully in her life to manifest several things, including the perfect husband. 

This time, however, it was to be for earth healing, but we needed some copper to tie in the Rodin coil, with the crystal sphere and all the elemental and angelic energies into the layout. We did not realise at this point that Grid Point 44 was in fact associated with a copper mountain down near Wilpena Pound in South Australia.


According to stories of the Adnyaantana people, also known as Adnyamathanha of the Flinders Ranges, at the end of the Dreamtime the bodies of 2 Arkaroo (Giant Serpents) were changed into the steep walls that surround Wilpena Pound, their spirits became large, multicoloured creatures with manes and beards that inhabit a waterhole at the entrance to the pound. It is said that during the Dreamtime the 2 Arkaroo heard that the first circumcision ceremony was to be held at Wilpena Pound. They decided to destroy the people so they travelled to the Pound and waited until the ceremony was finished. They surrounded the people who had gathered for the ceremony and used very powerful whirlwinds to sweep the people into their mouths.  

It is often said that there is always important truth hidden in mythology, and we got to see for ourselves on our journey how the Wilpena Pound looked like two serpents with their heads meeting at the place where a river flows out to the campground. We then made another campfire at what looked from the air like the base of the tail of one of these serpents, or was it indeed a dragon?  My old aboriginal shaman friend from Byron Bay, Lorraine Mafi Wiliams, since passed on, told me the following about the Rainbow Serpent...

First up, we Aboriginals are not a sub-race from any nation. The first to come to Earth was the Black race,  followed by the Red race, then the Yellow race, and last was the White race. We Aboriginals came from a planet in heaven that had seen its time, and according to our elders ‘blew up’. My ancestors then settled in the star formation called the Milky Way. My ancestors were asked to come to Planet Earth to erect an energy grid to help it through its many changes of life. The energy grid my ancestors created is the combination of all the mineral beneath the Earth that makes up the earth crust and circle of energy we call BOAMI, the sacred Rainbow Serpent.

When the Earth was one land mass we all lived side by side in harmony and compatibility doing our various tasks, which were our responsibility to our mother, Planet Earth. Because we were all and still are spirit beings, humanity created a culture that we could all identify with. The Tibetans, who are the first of the Yellow race, were the record keepers of the time when the Earth was one; they wrote down everything. The ones who maintained a spiritual balance in humanity were the sub-race of the Black: the Indians of India. The Red race's responsibility was teaching. They taught the people about the environment, birds, fish and beasts, about the care of Mother Earth, and it's they who are rising up again to be teachers, as they were when the Earth was one.

Us Aboriginals brought the power of the Earth's energy balance with us from the stars. So the Earth system was well maintained until the White race came. They were highly skilled in technology, which was supposed to blend in with the cultural and spiritual system operating among the three root races already to our elders, half of the four races joined forces and advanced in a destructive way, which was an eventual lead-up to the destruction of Atlantis and Lemuria. The other half of the four races remained loyal to the cultural and spiritual teachings of the ancient masters.

There was a lot more interesting information in the letter, and if anyone is interested the whole thing is printed in the Crystal Mission. For now the interesting bit was about the energy grid that the aboriginal ancestors created, and was apparently made up of the combination of all the mineral beneath the Earth that makes up the earth crust and circle of energy they call BOAMI, the sacred Rainbow Serpent.


In the case of the Wilpena Pound, the minerals in the earth crust were predominantly copper with the quartz. But there was also lots of Uranium, in places, especially up in the Northern Flinders ranges around Arkaroo Rock where the Serpent is reputed to still be alive and responsible for the Hot Water springs and the radioactive deposits of uranium here and there…

The properties of these metals and the planets to which they correspond is excellently covered in a book by Alison Davidson – Metal Power, the Soul Life of the Planets... and also in a video presentation available online. Copper is associated with Venus, planet of Beauty and Love, and we saw for ourselves in the camp fire at Bunyeroo Gorge how copper burns in the fire with blue green flames and flashes of red. Anah was interested to realise that the two crystal essences she had decided to carry on this journey were the ruby red and blue aquamarine. 

The alchemists describe Venus wearing a blue cloak over a red spirit, and these colours are reflected even in Botticeli’s paintings. Copper is the most conductive of all the metals except for silver, and it combines well with all the other metals, therefore earning its name meretrix mettalorum, the harlot of the metals. Everything Venus touches is seduced by her beauty, she has loving fingers! 

Uranium on the other hand is very electrical in nature, and like its planet Uranus symbolises cosmic or galactic forces that penetrate the deepest levels of consciousness bringing about profound change and transformation. Like the Hopi on their Black Mountain of uranium in the Four Corners, the aboriginals were well aware of the existence and power of this metal in the Earth crust.

Both the Hopi and the Aboriginals had warnings about the uranium resources, the Hopi saying that the Great Spirit had warned that it was not to be taken from the ground until humans had learned to use it for peaceful ends. Above all, it must never be used for war or destructive purposes. One can only wonder what sort of terrible karma the International Military Industrial complex are reaping in the future from their extensive use of depleted Uranium weapons on the Midde East!

The aboriginals such as Lorraine Mafi Williams say that when their ancient ancestors came to Earth they created a circle of pyramids around the planet to protect it from a planetary disaster similar to that remembered in the ancient ‘Dream Time’. They talk about cosmic rays that can only penetrate certain places on the Earth, cosmic energy that hits the uranium and vibrates out through the Circle. If that is interrupted there will be no protection at all for the earth.

Time will tell if the Uranium mountain at Grid Point 44 has been too extensively mined and disrupted. It appeared that some strong prayers might be needed, but also it seemed like a good opportunity to have a party and burn some copper in the fire at Bunyeroo Gorge camped by the 26 pyramids of the ABC range at the tail of the dragon! Later, looking at the amazing photographs taken by Tracey, we saw lots of orbs at our campfire as well. A new understanding was dawning that these might be the thummim of the 'Urim and the Thummim'!

ORBS at campfire


Since the years of the Crystal Mission the Urim and Thummim had been a great point of interest in our ongoing research, but it was only recently that a reading was discovered in the Keys of Enoch, shedding some more Light on the matter. 

35. Through the Urim, the Brotherhood of Man is coordinated with the brotherhood of Light by means of light crystal frequencies which activate the channels of Love and Wisdom.

36. The Urim are the ‘Lights’ which connect the processes of the mind with the different threshold levels of spiritual power. They are the ‘energy jewels’ which connect with the template grid of the eighth chakra so that the ‘flame over the head’ can be focused into the spiritual pathways being served by the Living Light.

37. Each crystal works at a different vibrational frequency which coordinates our program with other universal programs within the Living Light.  The Urim are the highest and most perfect form of crystals available for the coordination of human intelligence with the Higher Evolution.

38. On the other hand, the Thummim are the energy changes around the Urim crystals in which the thought-forms, coming from God and His Heirarchy to His chosen servants, stay in ‘perfection’ while in dimensions of imperfection.

39. I also saw how the thought-forms of God’s messengers would be negated by the energies of imperfection on the physical plane were it not for the perfect resonance of Thummim ‘Light’ protecting the auto resonant properties of the Urim and their thought-forms that are exchanged through spiritual reciprocity.

40. Together, the Urim and Thummim operate as sanctified crystals forming a grid for communication which uses sacred vowel patterns to create geometries that merge the different harmonies of colour in the various light spectrums with the living divine Light.

41. Moreover the Brotherhood of Man, when they are in direct communication with the administrative directors of the B’nai Or, use the Urim and Thummim for the exchange of higher Wisdom and his reception of specific thought-forms from God.

                         Key 316  pp 512-514

Up till now I had been of the understanding that the Urim and the Thummim were the crystal spheres like the Moroni crystal that we carried to the eclipse, or the Pyramid crystal discovered by Ray Brown in the underwater pyramid near Bimini.  

However, it seems that the Urim are indeed Crystals, but the Thummim are energy changes around the Urim crystals in which the thought-forms, coming from God and His Heirarchy to His chosen servants, stay in ‘perfection’ while in dimensions of imperfection. For example perhaps the manner in which archangelic energies interact with humans while in 3D on planet Earth.

The Thummim must therefore indeed be the Orbs of Light that are often seen on digital photographs at highly charged spiritual events. No surprise then that there were some very interesting Orbs seen on the photographs taken at our dinner at Jasen and Aimee’s place, preparing for the journey to Grid Point 44.  

One of them was just like the archangel Orbs seen on the Orb deck of cards I had been playing with, and I wondered if this might even be Metatron, the archangel who had given the Keys of Enoch to J.J. Hurtak back in the early 1970s.

An Archangelic Orb at Dinner 


Just as the Crystal Mission 1991 Eclipse journey to the Yucatan was a mission from the Keys of Enoch, this journey to Grid Point 44 appeared to also be a playing out some of the process outlined in the Keys. I had always been a little uncomfortable with the patriarchal language of the Keys, and as the time approached for the mission I did a little more research on J.J. Hurtak, the receiver and translator of the Keys, as well as Grid Point 44 and the whole matter of the ‘dodeca-icosa’ planetary grid. 


Several interesting articles were found on the subject of the world grid, the most informative being the synthesis by Becker and Haagens, in which they outline how the 5 platonic solids are the basis for the world grid. There are several interesting points in this article, but for me the most interesting are 

1. How Bruce Cathie’s grid is a cube octahedral reconstruction, and when it is combined with the dodeca –icosa it forms a pulse.  

2. In illustration #10 we see the dodeca-icosa grid centred on Point number 45 North of Spirit’s Bay in New Zealand, and lo and behold, there is the old tohunga’s travelling map clear as crystal! 

Rapana Hemi's inter-dimensional travelling map

For more info on the old tohunga's travelling map see Crystal Mission, the book, or the following synopsis. 



More information was found on Grid Point 44, the most interesting being the article by Paul White published in Nexus in 1993 in which he located the actual grid point at Chambers Gorge, not far from Wilpena Pound. (though another article by British Dowser Pauline Roberts was doubtful of Chambers Gorge being the actual grid point). 

Another article by Paul White was then discovered entitled ‘Awesome Underground Radar Discoveries’ in which he implicated J.J. Hurtak as the chief scientist in the discovery of a vast underground complex below the Giza pyramids. He talked about a forthcoming film entitled “Chambers of the Deep” from this research. 

However, on searching further I found that J J Hurtak and his Academy of Future Science had in fact denied these assertions, and Paul White had then apologised publicly on the Net for ‘mistakenly’ using Hurtak’s name, though I never found any retraction of the information revealed in the article.

If one does a Google search on Hurtak and Paul White, one gets into some very interesting articles on J J Hurtak, including his involvement with Andrija Puharich and LAB Nine. In The Stargate Conspiracy by Prince and Picknet, they regard him and the whole phenomenon of THE NINE with great suspicion, in fact concluding that he is one of the Illuminasti power-manipulating Controllers of human kind. 

When I dug deeper, however, I found that Hurtak and his wife have been responsible for some interesting and enlightening scientific research. Even Dr. Puharich and the NINE, along with Uri Geller at the end of the day were innocent researchers, who had discovered important and profound details of the structure of our reality and the involvement of THE NINE.

I was not able to track down Paul White in the present day, (though I knew him well back in 1991 as an enthusiast of Hurtak and the Keys). Hence I can’t tell to this day if his article about the Chambers of the Deep was actually correct, and Hurtak and his org were not yet ready to release this info, OR (to my mind less likely) that Paul White made up the story ???

Time will tell, I guess, and every now and then another key arrives to fill in the whole picture. This time, another key arrived in a timely manner with the discovery of Dan Eden and his ebook entitled The Never Ending. Dan Eden had met Hurtak as well, when he was summoned to New York and told that without realising it he had become the official translator of the Fire Language, which he had discovered in rock glyphs in Colorado, then in Yemen, and now even in Australia at Chambers Gorge.


This piece of info then had me taking more seriously the map in The Keys Of Enoch in which he locates several areas on the world grid as TRUE TIME WARP AREAS. Grid Point 44 on the other hand is designated as one of the ARTIFICIAL TIME WARP AREAS. Some more reading was evidently needed to understand what this was all about.  It is Key 1-0-5 that appears to go into depth on the meaning of the Time Warp Areas, and the Key starts with the following summary


The Keys do not make easy or light reading, in fact, even after reading this Key a dozen times, I am left with the feeling that a lot of the information is deliberately hidden beneath the words and extensive study may be necessary to decipher the full story. However, it does seem that the Great Pyramid appears to be the Central Artificial Time Warp area, and there are 12 of these areas around the Planet, including the Mayan pyramid area in the Yucatan and Mexico that we visited for the 1991 eclipse (see Crystal Mission) and also the area of Wilpena Pound and Grid Point 44. Furthermore, it seems that these Earthly Artificial Time Warp Areas are connected with the Stars.

 Artificial Time Warp Pyramid in the Mayan Triangle
From the Keys of Enoch 

1. This Key is speaking directly of consciousness programming. It is telling us that consciousness programming is connected with the Great Pyramid, which is referred to in the mystical scriptures of the ancient Near East as the Foundation Stone.

2. The consciousness forces of the Great Pyramid are cued with specific star points which are working with planetary time warp areas.

3. In order to understand what time warp areas represent, we have to understand the time warp fields as a type of energy pyramid.

4. First we must look at the geophysical time warps of the Earth with its meridians drawn according to the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. We note that these areas of the Earth’s magnetic field, as well as the solar flares caused by the sun’s celestial movement, meet at certain energy points or vortices

5. What is not shown on mappings of the vortexjah of time warp zones is their connection with the stars and the ancient astrophysical stations of Light upon the Earth

6. And if we consider the star fields as giving some mapping of where the Earth’s biosphere as a watery prism stands in relationship to given star fields, we will understand why the ancient Egyptian texts refer to Ihm-‘sk and why the Great Pyramid was aligned with Mintaka (delta) Alnilam (epsilon) and Alnitak (zeta) in Tak-Orion (Orionis) These are the central threshold controls or the region of ‘positive programming’ used by the Elohim Lords of Light to connect the many galaxies to our Father Universe.  Within our galactic quadrant, these threshold controls are necessary in coordinating celestial navigation between universes. Through the energies of Orion, the Central Threshold Control, the higher beings of Light move across the waters of the deep.

7. We must also understand the Pleiades cluster as one of the Key centres for the propagation of Light. The Pleiades, in the constellation Taurus, is not to be thought of as a separate threshold control for the measurement of planetary systems; but according to Enoch, the Pleiades is a measurement for all key time clocks, all astrophysical temples of measurement. These time clocks on the Earth are located on magnetic grids and focused into the Great Pyramid.

Much more is contained in this key, a lot of it seemingly beyond simple human comprehension, but, if it is all true as it appears to be manifesting into reality, then it must contain clues for what we were doing on this mission to Grid Point 44. 

Though, indeed, I think what is mainly necessary on these magical mystery tours, is a simple faith in the process, and a finely tuned antenna to recognise the spiritual guidance in the form of synchronous meetings with people like Matty’s friend Berty, the Camp manager at Wilpena Pound, who told us approximately where the copper pyramid was to be found out near Chambers Gorge, and where indeed a whole string of 26 pyramids was to be found – something that Jasen and Aimee and myself were able to verify from the air. It made us look into the Keys of Enoch for some more info on the pyramid zones of the Earth. 


Some of the 26 Pyramids of the ABC range 

34. The spiritual Higher Mind draws lines between the Earth’s pyramidal zones, existing on the magnetic horizon, and its own threshold controls, thus allowing it to intersect the Earth’s pyramidal forces with the celestial pyramid – Orion. This activity must take place in order to secure the time warps as points of physical rebirth.

35. When this takes place, the keystone of the pyramid colour cap can come down on the pyramid vortexjah.

36. For example, the Higher Intelligence is coming into the ocean through the pyramid-five energy configuration of the Bermuda Triangle and is making use of the ocean shelf which is there from the previous Atlantean Age, preparing America to become the New Atlantis

37. These previous Atlantean fields of crystalline energy are being reactivated as centres of energy focus on the planet which will be used once the Earth’s inner core of neutral matter has been heaved up…

40. The coming return of the Dove will also use artificial time warp areas so as to touch upon the ‘islands of Light’ where the righteous will gather who are not in the natural time warps…


Our next stop was Chambers Gorge, which was out near the Copper pyramid about a 100km off the beaten track, a wonderful vortex point, with a river flowing through a mountainous uplift in the middle of the desert. We were fortunate to get in there for a couple of nights over the solstice, and had a great fire burning all night on the night of the Solstice, then discovering that the small hill behind us had a series of small pyramids built out of stones, and these were aligned to the Mid Winter solstice sunset.

We also discovered it was only a short walk to the sacred spring, and we all made separate pilgrimages to this place, where the ancient Adnyamathanha glyphs were recorded. Anah and I were the first to go in there and we left signs all the way there in the rocks, then finding out when we got there that the signs we had left were the official Adnyamathanha signs for the way to a spring. Lots of other signs we discovered also, even finding out that unwittingly we had become an initiated group of Adnyamathanha, and leaving the sign for this on a rock by our campfire. There were nine souls on this mission but with the holy spirit we were ten, we reckoned.

It brought cause for some thought as to these Adnyamathanha – who were they and how long ago had they left their glyphs on the rocks for us? The message on the rocks at Chambers Gorge was in fact recently deciphered by Dan Eden, and scribed into his book The Never Ending. This particular language was discovered to have its origin in the Middle East, but was recorded at many of the Grid Sites around the world. At Chambers Gorge the glyphs read;


It was on my mind also that at many of the known Grid Points around the world have a strong military presence, and, like the American Air Force base at Woomera on Australian soil close by Grid Point 44, many of them have HAARP type antenna arrays, all built by the same Corporation, Raytheon Industries, obviously not just to look at the scenery. These are weaponised arrays, created to blast holes in the atmosphere and cause earthquakes and tsunamis at will.

One might think that it is completely hopeless to pit ourselves against this type of power. What good might a few prayers on the Solstice at a grid point do??? However, it is good to remember that we have the ancient forces of Light on our side, and now that we are out of the Dark Age, the Kali Yuga, and on our way to another Age of Light, then readings from the Keys of Enoch are getting ever more relevant, for example when he refers to the Artificial Time Warp areas like grid Point 44…

42. These landing places are the basin areas which were used by previous cycles of higher intelligence and which contain the documents telling how these areas will be reactivated.

43. Therefore know the twelve major ‘Ur’ areas of Light, such as the Takla Makan Basin and Megiddo which are aligned with the consciousness forces of the Great Pyramid and used by the celestial commands.

59. Into these twelve energy fields will move the artificial time warps. As the artificial time warps move over the specific areas, the galactic command will be able to take the physical creation and energize its body into the Adamic structure of the Great White brotherhood, no matter what race or group.

60. The crystalline fields of the twelve Urim and Thummim will be opened, will be cleansed, and as the Scroll of Revelation says, we will be one with ‘the Great White Throne in the midst of the Earth’.


The Keys of Enoch were received by J J Hurtak in the early 1970s, and though the information is incredible, sometimes it is a bit off putting because of being couched in terms of the Patriarchal systems of the Israelite scriptures. 

However, now it appears that we are getting in touch directly with the Archangel Metatron and other Whole Light Beings from the Heirarchies of Light, and thus for one inspiring example we have the writings of the Archangel Metatron through James Tyberonn, with this latest communication related to the World Wide awakening at the 11-11-11.

This awakening will sequentially recode the 12 Golden Sun Disc around the planet.
These discs are being activated into twelve helix spirals. They are emitting a divine energy of zero field, of pure love, unconditional love, and a light-code that can only exist in the 5th dimension and above.
On the 11-11-11 the Sun Disc of the Crystal Vortex will be activated beneath the area of Pinnacle Mountain in Arkansas, and this will complete the energy of the Arkansas Vortex and then network the new DNA codes across the planet.
The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blue print for the unified crystalline field in the Crystalline Transition of the planet. Indeed these are being reprogrammed by and within the Crystalline 144 Grid!
The Golden Sun Disc discs will emit a 12-strand helix, in a spiraling energy that will serve, as the prototype of the DNA for the crystalline aspect through the 144-Grid.  Indeed, they are correspondences to the ability of the Earth to regenerate and reform itself, becoming in aspect the DNA pattern or blueprint of the New Earth. They are energetic spirals. They are truly more spiral than disc, but they do appear disc- like when viewed.
Now as your Ascension completes itself, you will have greater access to the multi dimensional aspects of yourselves. In truth, for some of you, the Ascension has, for the most part, already occurred, in terms of multidimensionality. Do you understand?