Monday 10 December 2012

12.12.12 and the Diamond Doorway

This is a resonant date for this update as what kicked off the finding of the map was Solara coming to NZ, way back in 1991, to open the doorway of the 11:11 –– the doorway which opened even wider last year on the 11:11:11 (See the one and only previous blog on this site for more insights into the 11:11:11) Now its time to move on to the 12/12/12 just 9 days away from the climactic day many people have been waiting for.

Lots more insights have come in lately as well about the meaning of the map – given by an old Maori tohunga named Rapana Hemi – known to most as Pa Hemi. For the full story of how he gave the map interested people can read the Crystal Mission – with a whole new edition updated and printed in 2010. There was an image of the map on the previous blog, but for convenience here it is again. 

Old Pa Hemi had an immense knowledge of things mystical after travelling to Egypt in WW2 with the 28th (Maori) Battalion – then returning to Egypt after the war to study ancient texts and scriptures with a Pyramid Priest named Philae the elder. He said the map was his travelling map with which he travelled out of his body but he was otherwise reticent about it, not saying much at all, apart from the fact that he himself was not good enough to get to the top sphere – Hawaiiki Tapu – the Abode of the Christ – he was only good enough to get up as far as the ‘Orange World’.

Over the years since 1991 there have been more understandings of the nature of the map coming through as outlined in the previous blog – for example how it fits beautifully over the dodeca-icosa grid – the female grid – of planet earth, of how important forgiveness is in attaining access to the spiritual realms – Love is Forgiveness – Revolves and Motivates. Maybe even of how Ngaroma, Goddess of the moon, ruling the seasons and the tides, is important in the understanding of the eclipse doorways that were so full of meaning when the Sabian symbols for the degree of the ecliptic of each eclipse were examined.

More recently some contact with another tohunga, who introduced himself first of all in a dream, and then followed up in person a week or two later, on the Day of the 11.11.11, has shed some more light on the matter. This tohunga is now the custodian of the crystal skull named Barcelona, and its two Lemurian seed crystal companions, also from Barcelona, but originally from a very special area in Brazil where these ancient crystals have been hidden since ancient times. 

This tohunga, much like Pa Hemi, does not talk much about what he does or why he is doing it, but has said enough for me to realise that he has spent some time travelling around superimposing the map over the North Island of New Zealand, where it can now be empowered by the prayers and meditations of light workers throughout the land. Light is dawning that perhaps it is the unified focused intention of people in New Zealand, with Love, Light and Forgiveness, that will activate New Zealand to be the doorway through the Bermuda Triangle as it appears in the map.

As an old northern Maori tauparapara goes:

Whakataka te hau ki te uru
Whakataka te hau ki te tonga
Kia maataratara ki uta
Kia maakinakina ki tai
Kia hii ake ana te atakura
He tio, he huka, he hauhuu
Tihei Mauriora!

Cease O Nor-Easterly gales
Let the bracing breezes blow
Over the land and sea
Let the red-tipped dawn
Come with a sharpened air
A touch of frost
And the promise of a Glorious Day
Tihei Mauriora

But now another element has fallen in place with the Cell-Enlite Northern Anchor Diamond Crystal that arrived a few weeks ago from Gini Collins.  When I lay this over my heart chakra it feels like such a wonderful powerful diamond of crystalised light, and even more wonderful is the fact that it is connected directly to a whole cell-enlite network around NZ. And it was only a few days ago that I realised its shape could be overlaid on the central diamond, the diamond doorway in the map with its time portal access to ancient civilizations of Peru, Tibet , Egypt etc etc, but also its direction upwards towards the Abode of the Christ.

Was this the hidden diamond that Te Kooti referred to? It was certainly in the Urewera that old Pa Hemi delivered the map. Time will tell, but for now I’ll be tuning in at 12 noon on the 12.12.12 and using Gini’s meditation as a focus. Lets use this last period leading up to the end of one Great Mayan cycle, and the beginning of the next, to do a daily mediation, a linking of minds together to crystallise a new cycle of peace, love, excitement, joy, happiness, creative expression, and enlightenment.

Gini's Meditation  

12.12.12 The door way to the Heart - New Codes, New Light, New Time Lines

Never again will we have an exact 3 digit date...12.12.12 will be the last (unless we introduce the 13 moon calendar ...13.13.13!) This heralds the end of an age, the age of man, unto the Golden Age of Unity.

11. 11. 2012 = 9 - Completion 12.12.2012 = 11 - Doorway into the 5th Golden Age

On 12.12, New codes will be released through the crystalline matrix, these new codes will activate within, our cellular memories, this will link us even closer to our Divine reality. We all have the opportunity to align to Universal Oneness and further open our hearts; allowing for a closer integration, alignment and the merging of our multi dimensional selves....We are merging spirit into form.... Our light body means more awareness (more light) of higher selves, as this is integrated..... We have enlightenment! Our Crystalline Physical Light Body.

As multi dimensional beings we have been consciously experiencing 3rd dimensional reality, over time we have gradually been merging our higher dimensional selves into our current 3D earthly selves.... It is not about leaving 3D, it is more about merging the higher realities (the bigger picture) with our current earth bodies....who would want to leave this precious and beautiful earth! We are shifting together into a higher octave of light.

The 3 x 12 = 36 a number that resonates with the heart...the mothers love! The 9 chambers of the heart... Our group crystal work is connected to the crystalline matrix and the mother diamond which is the centre of our group work...the Diamond Heart of the Dove...

The Diamond merkaba light body The focus on Love & the opening of the Heart chambers The Dove is feminine in nature, & is a symbol of peace & love......

12.12.12 at 12pm... Possible visual meditation to use:

Visualise Your Diamond body... A diamond filled with light surrounds your body, visualise a cross within the diamond at the cardinal points, North, South, East & West.

Connect first to the central column of light running through your body from above the crown, at the Soul Star chakra in the North, to the Earth Star chakra below the feet in the South.... Anchor this column of light from the heavens to the Earth Mother below. Feel this, know this, be this column of light...

Take you awareness now to the East point, the sunrise, the place of new beginnings, new life & new light! Move your awareness across to the West, feel the light & the transformation of the new earth with all your emotions... An Earth filled with Peace, Love, Light & Harmony....

Focus again on the cross formation within the diamond, North, South, East & West... Take your awareness now, to the central point, to THE HEART....feel the love that you are, feel it expand throughout your whole being~ness...let it reach every part of you, every cell from head to toe, feel it expand through you, from you, in every direction.... Know that you are this love, feel the magic of who you are..... Know that you are receiving new codes for your new body & for the Earth from the central crystalline matrix and the crystalline grid....The Company of Heaven, The Mighty Elohim & our Higher Selves are sending their light, their love & their support to us.... Give hugs & send love to all.

We are the new code bearers for the New Earth........We are the Aquarian water bearers of these codes␣. OUR NEW ROLES, within the DIVINE PLAN are truly awakening!

Elah Elohim, Aloha, Aloha, Aloha, Peace, Peace, Peace
Cell~ Enlite Gini Collin