Wednesday 5 November 2014


">We parked our cars under some big trees, and were welcomed into the gathering. There were about 24 people in all, with some lying in mattresses in the little octagonal house, and a bunch sitting around the fire. They were all wearing white shirts imprinted with symbols. My friend's had the 22:11 spiral cropcircle on it over her sacral chakra, and the Comunindios symbol on the back – a rainbow encompassing the sun moon and verdant earth, and some other details, I was very attracted to the symbol from the first time I laid eyes on it.

My friend led us into the house by the fire and showed uswhere we could put our mattresses on the verandah overlooking a small grassy area centered by a massive Poinsettia tree with two huge limbs emerging and between them and entwined with them, another broad leaf tree growing in the centre. By the base of the tree stood a little table covered in candles and with some musical instruments around, and beyond this was the little octagonal house. I was given a brief tour of the whole place, there was an amazing toilet off the verandah on the meeting-house, covered in artwork, and there were two more toilets in the house. My friend explained that the Mother Ayahuasca coordinated things beautifully, so that even with 24 people purging to some degree or another, there was never a time when anybody had to wait for the toilet.

There were about 15 in the initiation house and inside the main house were another few people lying on mattresses and there were four of us on the verandah, and one or two scattered around the grounds.  I asked if there might be a shirt for me and indeed he had one which was awesome I thought – On the back it had two serpents – one large one emerging from below, and another smaller one coming down from above to meet the large one below. The one coming from below reminded me of the Iboga serpent I had seen on my Iboga journeys, a massive presence coming up off the jungle floor in response to the hypnotic Bwiti rhythms. The one coming down from above looked like the Ayahuasca vine coming down from the trees to meet the Iboga serpent coming up from the roots! It was explained to me that all the shirts were different one-offs – it was the Aya spirit that came to him and guided the creation of the prints, he said, and it was usually perfect for what people needed…


Look at how the big Rainbow Warrior crystal  came alive when I placed it on the altar beneath the image on the shirt in my sleeping room. My sleeping room has been re-created into a sacred Ayahuasca cave and home of the Aya and Iboga serpents!

 The rainbows that are appearing in the centre of the crystal – I know exactly what they are, after at long last watching my Harry Oldfield video at Jasen and Aimee’s after the Aya ceremony. I ordered this from nexus last year, and I’ve been carrying it around for about a year, but only now found the window of opportunity to watch it with Jasen and Aimee. In the video Harry demonstrated his Invisible Universe - with videos of entities in crystals that looked just like this one - with his PIP photography method that his son has now developed into lenses you can wear, or put in front of your iphone camera to get images of entities with the rainbow plasma glowing.

But in my room the entity in my big crystal is perfectly visible to the naked eye with the help of an incandescent bulb on the ceiling! A rainbow crystal entity captured in digital color, glowing with the awesome rainbow luminosity of Comunindios and the Ayahuasca spirit universe! 

The seven white lights on the crystal seem to represent the 7 orbs of the ancient heavens, that Santos was explaining on his video today, including the sun and the moon. So if the biggest one with the little comet attached is the sun, then the next one that appears to be eclipsed on the blood moon eclipse, and indeed producing the beautiful luminescent color display, has to be the moon and the lunar essence, shared by the Ayahuasca mother! Zooming in on this more information is available to the stunned extrasensory sensual apparatus, opened up by the mother, and made visible to the eye of the mortal human through the lens of an iphone 5.

And then zooming in even more you can make out one of the faces of this awesome electrical rainbow silicon plasma light entity, especially created for our visual recognition and astonishment … 

So putting it all together with Mr. Keshe’s explanations and Harry Oldfield’s discoveries, what a wonderful Universe is opened up to us in the plasma universe! The sight of these colors then are the rainbow lights that give the all clear for us in our graduation from the village of the earth to the Village of the Universe – (move from being Vandorps to van Dorps lol) – as MK said before he gave the transmission on the Eclipse cycle 6 months ago in April Easter Good Friday. “The reason for this teaching and this progress is very simple – we are opening the doors for this animal of the man on this jungle of the earth to learn the works and the ways of the Universe.” That was when he proclaimed at the Vatican that he was the Messiah, but he also gave an invitation to Pope Francis to come and meet the aliens, at his place just a few hundred kms north of Rome in Desanzano.



The shaman eventually came out and made the rounds of everyone and I spent a good 10 minutes chatting with her and told her about our experience with the Iboga root bark, and that I had been led by coincidence into researching the Ayahuasca on the flight away from our adverse event (shudder) and now had a carefully researched letter from a Professional Medic regarding the safety of Ayahuasca.  She said she would appreciate a copy as they are doing a similar thing in Oz as in NZ, gently making efforts to legitimize the use of the Mother Ayahuasca in the laws of the land.

Then I met Santos at the fire and we had an immediate spark of recognition, and understanding each other on a level of angelic existence – indeed he was going under another name - Samael. There was an immediate spark of interest and recognition and I got so engaged in talking with him I didn’t notice that she had come to the fire, and was standing behind us, until she said gently “there still seems to be a lot of conversation?” It was time to go into the lodge where she had her mattress at the door and about 15 other people who had mostly had a ceremony the previous night and this was their second night in a row. We were about 24 people inside the lodge as she told us about Comunindios, in her soft south American accented Australian very clearly understood in her grace but firmness for the correct ceremony to take place.

Comunindios was a small part of what was now the hundred-year-old huge movement of the Santo Daime Church in Brazil. The plant had been four hundred years in hiding, she explained, but in the last hundred years she had come out of her hiding place to go to all the continents and heal the people of the earth and the earth herself.


Mother Ayahuasca was a very gentle presence that was here to heal people to love people, and nurture them into the spirit realms. Once we had drunk the brew we were in a special protective zone that was the boundaries of the property, and we weren’t to go outside of that till the final ritual at the fire the following morning. Inside that zone we were safe, she said, and said many other things, but the point that stood out in my memory was her point about that if the Mother Ayahuasca wanted you to die, then it was OK to go ahead and die, and your body would be safe here for you to return when you want come back to it. That was a little different to Iboga, I reflected, in which I had personal experience of unexpected death. The pact that I was going to make with my Iboga clients from now on was that if they got the choice to go on or come back, that they would come back.

Now reflecting again I reach towards new understanding of the dual roles of the Iboga and Aya Healing Serpents, one from South America and the other from West Africa, the two continents that appear to fit together like hand in glove, or two lovers spooning. It was the leaves of the Tree of Life that were to be used for the healing of the Nations according to the Book of Revelations, but it was the sacred root that brought the gifts of the serpent of the Tree of Knowledge.

The symbol on my new shirt signified a meeting of the Tree of Life with the Tree of Knowledge I thought, on the evening of the 19th day of October, which would see a combustion of Mars with Comet Siding Spring – and that would indeed see a great flash of combustion in the atmosphere of Mars in at least one earth based telescope, the next day, as seen from this telescope in Tenerife.

The other thing that was happening in my consciousness was a growing understanding of how solar activity and sunspots interact with the earth weather and the cyclonic storm systems, hurricanes and typhoons. Just now there was a humongous sized complex of sunspots just cresting the limb and it had already produced a couple of large M class flares with a big coronal mass ejection before it was even visible. It would be interesting to see what would happen to this beauty, sunspot number 2192.

The ritual by the fire was simple and beautiful, three Aaauuummmms, and holding hands in a circle around the fire, and then we had to say our names and our number. I was Cornelius and I was Number 14 around the fire. I didn’t know it at the time but sunspot number 2192 delivered a most unusual long flare without coronal mass ejection for a few hours during the Aya journey as I discovered the next day on SolarWatcher’s youtube channel, and was quite awestruck to realize that 2192 counted up was also 14, and I felt like maybe my heart was connected to that sun spot during and after the journey.


All of this came into focus over the next days after the journey, but at the time the journey was an incredibly beautiful experience. It was dominated and centered in an awesomely powerful feeling of gratitude, with overflowing tears of joy and healing, at being able to deliver one’s heart to the goddess alive and beating in its plasma fire essence. The green glass of brew I was expecting to taste bitter but it was the sweetest nectar to my tongue, and I had to savor it with three sips. Then the glass was filled with water to not waste any drops of the precious substance. Then I had to pick a card – I could barely see it in the firelight but mine was something like “Be Strong!” 

After taking the brew most of the people went and laid on their mattresses and a few of us stayed by the fire for another half hour or so. Then the medicine started coming on, and it was definitely time to go and lie down. I was a bit worried as Jasen had given me some acidophilus capsules for my gut after the antibiotics, and my tummy was rumbling. Oh No! I thought, I might have a bit of diarrhoea – especially as I had weakened and had some toast and avocado that morning, when my intention had been to eat fruit only. 

But the first thing the Ayahuasca mother said, as I laid down on my mattress, was that she was going to be gentle. It was an intuitive knowing but a clear communication from the mother that came in spirit, and it was true. The first phase of the journey was a profound immersion in gratitude and the presence of the Ayahuasca mother incarnated, ghostly white and shimmering in the darkness, often visible from the deck if I opened one eye, and sometimes I could see the flickering of her rattle as she sang Spanish songs and some in English, and some that were even echoed by bird life in the forest. Through it all was the feeling of the huge gratitude in my heart for the beauty of existence and the love that was emanating from the Aya Mother. After a couple of hours I heard a voice telling me it was time to go to the toilet, where I had a gentle purge and was just heading back to the mattress when I discovered everyone lining up for the 2nd dose.

It was good to be in bare feet and feeling the damp earth under my toes. She looked into my eyes, and leaned closer, asking me if it was OK. Oh yes! My heart and soul connected with Her through my eyes. More than OK, as I closed my eyes and kissed the tips of my fingers telling her that my heart was awestruck and full of the Beauty. Good, She whispered, and added a little more into the glass. 


This led into the second phase when I looked up into the sky – there perfectly framed between the post and the tree was the Southern Cross, twinkling in a dark blue sky. The view of the Southern Cross took me back immediately into the year of 1987 when I over wintered at the Greenpeace Antarctic base, and became very familiar with the Southern Cross. The main Skipper of the Rainbow Warrior I and II had telexed us when we 4 over winterers were holding the fort. His message was that the fifth star of the Southern Cross, Epsilon Crucis, had been renamed and it was now the Rainbow Warrior.

Pete Wilcox was the guy that single handedly took on the mission of building the Rainbow Warrior II after the first one was bombed in Auckland harbor by the French Secret Service in 1985. The French were caught red handed (still with Fernando Pereira’s blood on their hands) by the NZ Police and had to pay reparations of ten million to NZ and another ten million to Greenpeace, with which he built a new Rainbow Warrior. I was fortunate enough to later sail under his command on the RWII in 1990 on a driftnet expedition in the North Pacific.

But now I was on the deck in the rain forest reflecting on these things, and I started looking for the fifth star, but I could not find it anywhere. I looked harder and suddenly there were a few stars twinkling through in different colors, sparkling with rainbow luminescent color, more and more of them till I realized if I looked with a big enough telescope there would be millions of Rainbow Warriors. But on this occasion I reckon there were about 24! We were all Rainbow Warriors! It was a powerful realization that was punctuated by the card I had drawn, Be Strong, and also by the awesome power of a lunar eclipse empowering the spirit planets in the Fire signs.

It was a message of powerful grace that allowed me to embody the energy of the Rainbow Warrior, with some pre-knowledge as I was aware of the Sabian symbols, and the interactions of the different energies of the stellar orbs in this remarkable eclipse window, that allowed all of us to become fearless warriors on the side of Love and Light and Truth. There was so much gratitude in my heart as I soared in the cosmic spaces, returning every now and then to the compound to feel the grace and the power of the Ayahuasca goddess gently keeping us all safe and doing her rounds checking on everybody. What an overwhelmingly awesomely beautiful experience – way beyond words!

By the time it was the third dose the dawn light was brightening in the East, and the tropical bird chorus had started. I lay there and thought – wow! This is strong! The card said be strong, so I guess I should go and have another dose. But when I moved my head the nausea was intense and there was no way I could get my body off the mattress. About a half hour later I had a violent bout of vomiting that I think everybody heard echoing from the verandah, but it felt like a another beautiful gift as I was able to gather all the poison from the last few weeks and months, anything that didn’t sit right in me, into my stomach and then purge it out in the form of an evil black broth. Then I laid there in bliss for another few hours watching the colors brighten, the jacaranda flowers and the colorful bird life emerging out of the night – until it was time to gather in the house again and relate our story of what happened to us.

What a beautiful group of people, it already felt like I was life long friends with everybody there, and then at the finishing ceremony by the fire there was a group hug, in the middle of which the living incarnation of the Mother Ayahuasca hugged me personally as the newest initiate, and everybody else hugged us all around. 


The other thing I realized later was that, in the dream with the bison and the three goddesses I had also carried with me a crystal for protection. On waking I knew which one it was – it was the amethyst smoky elestial mountain range with tabular plateau that I had got at the same time as my Rainbow Warrior crystal. So it came with me on the journey as well, and it was only later that I realized that it came from Brazil, the same place as  Comunindios.

It was later on as I watched the daily Suspicious Observer news for progress with sun spot 2192 that I realized a lot of the sun spot’s focus was on Brazil too, with several flares coming at the early morning hour in Australia that connected with midday over Brazil – therefore most of the flares were over the Pacific and S America, like this X.1 class flare on October 22 with its maximal effect right over the Amazon!

So there was an ongoing deepening and personal aspect to this eclipse that continued for the next week or so and prompted me to put together a Aya Siding Spring playlist on youtube to keep track of the events, and thus discover ever more ripples in the tapestry of synchronicity. 


At one point I got out my Bahá'í calendar and realized with a shock how Mr. Keshe’s road map of 2014 and 2015 was fitting in, not only with this sequence of blood moon eclipses, but also with the calendar created by the beautiful Báb in Persia in the 1840s – the primal point was putting together the calendar and the numerological structure of the new order, built as it was of nines and nineteens, way back in the 1840s.

It was all pretty amazing, seeing the higher forces at work, and it seemed to be all for the healing of the planet. Bahá’u’lláh’s promised day for the coming of age of humanity had come, with the delivery of A NEW SCIENCE – on the first day of the Month if Ilm Knowledge, with a Mercury solar conjunction opening the doors of communication again, it was all a very powerful formula and at the same time a magical spell, being cast in between the lunar and solar eclipse of this 2nd blood moon eclipse. And it was synchronous with the dual serpents of the Aya Iboga meeting on the 19th day of October, the day before the encounter of Mars with Comet Siding Spring. It was almost as powerful as the events of the 1st blood moon eclipse in April.

On this one too the Bahá calendar had meshed perfectly with the eclipse cycle between the feasts of Jalal Glory and Jamal Beauty. Inside of the eclipse cycle with its Sabian symbol indicating a theme of Death and Resurrection, was the Good Friday announcement of the Science Messiah that he had come and opened the doors to the Village of the Universe. Meanwhile, as with the October event, there was a Mercury conjunction of Sun to open the media channels and broadcast across the Universe the good news of the Science Messiah, promised by Bahá’u’lláh. Then most of the rest of the eclipse cycle was inside the Feast of Ridvan, celebrated as the time in 1863, that Bahá’u’lláh announced that He was the One the Báb had referred to as ‘Him whom God shall make manifest’. At the same time, Mr. Keshe revealed his origins by the title of his letter to humanity he wrote previously “In the Name of the Glory of God” (=Bahá’u’lláh). The new letter introduced at the April eclipse was IN MY NAME.


Dan Winter told us years ago the story of how a hundred children singing with intention could have a powerful effect n the activity of the sun, and now I had personal evidence of solar connection. So if a hundred children could have such a powerful effect, what about a Divine manifestation like Bahá’u’lláh? It made me wonder if the remarkable solar flare and sun spot event that was followed by Aurora across the earth in 1859, and blew up many of the new telegraph stations that were being built around the world, was connected to the emotions and heart of El Bahá as he returned to the Bábi community in Baghdad? He indeed referred to himself and the other divine manifestations like Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Zoroaster etc as the Sun rising at different points on the Horizon.

The sun spot group was carefully charted by the young Carrington, and the event that followed was the strongest geomagnetic storm event to have hit the planet in written history, and became know as the Carrington Event. Looking at it as Carrington drew it, it looks exactly like a coiled serpent.

Sunspots of September 1, 1859, as sketched by Richard Carrington. A and B mark the initial positions of an intensely bright event, which moved over the course of 5 minutes to C and D before disappearing.

Wikipedia reports ‘On Saturday, September 3, 1859, the Baltimore American and Commercial Advertiser reported, "Those who happened to be out late on Thursday night had an opportunity of witnessing another magnificent display of the auroral lights. The phenomenon was very similar to the display on Sunday night, though at times the light was, if possible, more brilliant, and the prismatic hues more varied and gorgeous. The light appeared to cover the whole firmament, apparently like a luminous cloud, through which the stars of the larger magnitude indistinctly shone. The light was greater than that of the moon at its full, but had an indescribable softness and delicacy that seemed to envelop everything upon which it rested. Between 12 and 1 o'clock, when the display was at its full brilliancy, the quiet streets of the city resting under this strange light, presented a beautiful as well as singular appearance."[10]’

This picture is from a youtube NASA Science Cast, which details the story of a massive Carrington-like series of Coronal Mass ejections that narrowly missed the Earth in July 2012!


Researching Bahá’u’lláh in 1859 I found this was the period in Baghdad following the two years he spent living in a cave in the Sulaymaniyah Mountains as a Dervish, and his writings were replete with references to the Maid of Heaven, the highest form of God, as referred to in the Tablet of the Temple. He was totally in Love with the Maid of Heaven during this period.

"While engulfed in tribulations I heard a most wondrous, a most sweet voice, calling above My head. Turning My face, I beheld a Maiden — the embodiment of the remembrance of the name of My Lord — suspended in the air before Me. So rejoiced was she in her very soul that her countenance shone with the ornament of the good-pleasure of God, and her cheeks glowed with the brightness of the All-Merciful. Betwixt Earth and Heaven she was raising a call which captivated the hearts and minds of men. She was imparting to both My inward and outer being tidings which rejoiced My soul, and the souls of God's honoured servants. Pointing with her finger unto My head, she addressed all who are in Heaven and all who are on Earth saying: "By God! This is the best beloved of the worlds, and yet ye comprehend not. This is the Beauty of God amongst you, and the power of His sovereignty within you, could ye but understand."

This was the period that Bahá’u’lláh  produced The Hidden Words – the book I had come to think of as the real most Holy Book, and the one that I sometimes used as my most Holy Tarot Deck, or oracle, which always seemed to give enlightenment on any question I had. Bahá'ís are advised by Abdu'l-baha the son of Bahá'u'lláh to read them every day and every night and to implement its latent wisdom into their daily lives. He also said that The Hidden Words is "a treasury of divine mysteries" and that when one ponders its contents, "the doors of the mysteries will open."


But zooming in on 1859 I came across the story of how Nabil-i-Akbar acknowledged Bahá’u’lláh as the Divine Manifestation of God. Reading the story last night I was overcome with emotion, I was crying with tears running down my face, I didn’t know what I was feeling, I thought it was hilariously funny and at the same time I was full of sorrow and shame but also joy and gratitude, humility and nothingness at the recognition of the Divine Manifestation. For me, like Nabil-i-Akbar the veils were rent asunder!

‘Nabil-i-Akbar [who was later named by the Guardian as one of the 19 Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh] was acknowledged as one of the most outstanding men of learning in Persia. His fame had spread throughout the country to such an extent that once, when he spoke incognito to a number of divines in far-off [city of] Kirman, his listeners were lost in admiration of his superb discourse and some were heard to say that the only person in the whole country who could rival such a man in the field of learning and knowledge would be the famous Mulla Muhammad-i-Qa'ini (that is, Nabil-i-Akbar himself).

‘He embraced the Bábí Faith about the year 1853. Some six years later [about 1859], while in Baghdad, he went to visit Bahá'u'lláh. [this is before Bahá'u'lláh’s Declaration in the Garden of Ridvan in 1863] There he was warmly received by Him, and was accorded the honour of staying in the outer apartments of His house, normally reserved for the reception of visitors. Mirza Aqa Jan [Bahá'u'lláh’s amanuensis] was instructed by Bahá'u'lláh to act as host to him. The following is an extract from the spoken chronicle of Nabil-i-Akbar relating the events of those few days that he spent in the house of Bahá'u'lláh:

“One afternoon I was seated in the room talking with Mulla Muhammad-Sadiq-i-Khurasani, known as Muqaddas. He was a learned man of great dignity and stature. As we were talking together, Bahá'u'lláh, Who had just returned from the town, arrived in the outer apartment accompanied by Prince Mulk-Ara whose hand He was holding. Mulla Sadiq, who was the embodiment of dignity and solemnity, immediately rose to his feet and prostrated himself at the feet of Bahá'u'lláh. This action did not please Bahá'u'lláh Who angrily rebuked Mulla Sadiq and ordered him to rise immediately, after which He went out of the room followed by the Prince.

I was amazed and bewildered at such behaviour on the part of Mulla Sadiq as I had never expected such an important person to act in this manner. Having witnessed Bahá'u'lláh's reaction also, I expressed my disapproval of Mulla Sadiq's behaviour and admonished him for it, saying: 'You are a man who occupies an exalted position in the realm of knowledge and learning and, above all else, you had the honour of attaining the presence of the Báb Himself. Your rank is next to the Letters of the Living and you are one of the Witnesses [The Báb nominated certain believers as 'Witnesses' to the Bayan -- the Mother Book of the Bábí Dispensation -- to testify to its validity and authenticity as the Word of God, until the appearance of 'Him Whom God shall make manifest' (i.e. Bahá'u'lláh) when their functions as 'Witnesses' would come to an end.] of the Dispensation of the Báb. It is true that Bahá'u'lláh is an eminent person Who belongs to the nobility and His ancestors have occupied high positions in the government. It is also true that He has suffered persecution and imprisonment as a result of embracing the Cause of God, that all His possessions have been confiscated and that He has finally been exiled to this land. Yet, your behaviour towards Him this afternoon was like that of an unworthy servant towards his glorious Lord.’

Mulla Sadiq refrained from answering me. He was in a state of spiritual intoxication, his face beaming with joy; he merely said to me, 'I beseech God to tear asunder the veil for thee and shower His bounties upon thy person through His abundant grace.'

After this incident, I decided in my heart to investigate and began to observe the person of Bahá'u'lláh and His actions very carefully. The more I observed the less I discovered any sign which could point to His claiming a station. On the contrary, I observed in Him nothing, either in word or deed, except humility, self-effacement, servitude and utter nothingness. As a result, I was led into grievous error, believing that I was in every way superior to Bahá'u'lláh, and preferred my own self to Him.

It was through my vain imagining that in the gatherings of the friends I always used to occupy the seat of honour, assume the function of the speaker and would not give an opportunity to Bahá'u'lláh or anyone else to say anything. One afternoon, Bahá'u'lláh arranged a meeting in His house and a number of friends had gathered, as usual, in the same large room, a room around which, according to the Pen of the Most High, circle in adoration the people of Bahá. Again, I occupied the seat of honour. Bahá'u'lláh sat in the midst of the friends and was serving tea with His own hands.

In the course of the meeting, a certain question was asked. Having satisfied myself that no one in the room was capable of tackling the problem, I began to speak. All the friends were attentively listening and were absolutely silent, except Bahá'u'lláh Who occasionally, while agreeing with my exposition, made a few comments on the subject. Gradually He took over and I became silent. His explanations were so profound and the ocean of His utterance surged with such a power that my whole being was overtaken with awe and fear. Spellbound by His words, I was plunged into a state of dazed bewilderment. After a few minutes of listening to His words -- words of unparalleled wonder and majesty -- I became dumbfounded. I could no longer hear His voice. Only by the movement of His lips did I know that He was still speaking. I felt deeply ashamed and troubled that I was occupying the seat of honour in that meeting. I waited impatiently until I saw that His lips were no longer moving when I knew that He had finished talking. Like a helpless bird which is freed from the claws of a mighty falcon I rose to my feet and went out. There three times I hit my head hard against the wall and rebuked myself for my spiritual blindness.”

The eyes of Nabil-i-Akbar were at last opened. He attended another meeting, this time in Kazimayn in the house of a certain Haji Abdu'l-Majid-i-Shirazi. Bahá'u'lláh was present at this meeting. He spoke about the mysteries and origin of creation. Here a new world, full of fresh significances, dawned upon Nabil-i-Akbar who considered every word of Bahá'u'lláh's to be like a priceless gem. All that Nabil-i-Akbar had heard and studied during his life appeared to him to be but the talk of children.

At this point he decided to find out directly from Bahá'u'lláh Himself what His station was and wrote a letter to Him which he begged 'Abdu'l-Bahá to deliver. The next day he received a Tablet in which Bahá'u'lláh alluded to His lofty station. This was the end of Nabil-i-Akbar's search for truth, for he wrote a second letter to Bahá'u'lláh, this time humbly acknowledging Him as the Supreme Manifestation of God and begging Him to guide his steps in His service. Bahá'u'lláh instructed him to return to Persia and teach the Cause of God there.

Nabil-i-Akbar dedicated his whole life to the service of the Cause, suffering much persecution from the enemies of the Faith. He rose to such heights of service and dedication that few among the Apostles of Bahá'u'lláh have been able to rival his attainments.

He died in 1892 soon after the ascension of Bahá'u'lláh and was buried in the city of Bukhara. 'Abdu'l-Bahá asked that a delegation of nine believers visit his grave on His behalf and there chant a Tablet of visitation which He had written especially for him. A few years later He instructed the nephew of Nabil-i-Akbar to transfer his remains from Bukhara to Ishqabad -- a move which proved providential as the graveyard was demolished soon after by the authorities. (Adib Taherzadeh, ‘The Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh, vol. 1, pp. 92-94)


Overcome with emotion and with tears covering my face I looked at the clock and realized with a shock it was 5 minutes away from work time at the ED! I rushed into my scrubs and got to work about 5 minutes late – as usual! At that point the ED had been a nightmare for the last 7 days, since the solar eclipse, and it had been so chaotic for the seven days that nobody at work could believe that it could go on for so long. We did have busy days and nights but never for 7 nights in a row! The change was marked and indeed it appeared to be on the day of the eclipse, though I heard some comments about mercury being retrograde as well.

The day after the Aya ceremony I had a call from work saying that Dhana’s mum had been taken sick in India and they wanted me to cover the night shift for the next few weeks on and off – I was delighted because that was the job I did for years and I always found I functioned very efficiently as a nocturnal owl  – if I could get a couple of sets of 40 winks at work during the night I only seemed to need four or five hours sleep per day, whereas when I work during the day I need a good 8 hours. It was good for my creative process with the writing projects too.

So the first 3 days were still inside the eclipse cycle under the influence of the lunar eclipse – with its sabian symbol of brownies and fairies dancing in the setting sun – and the nights on call were very peaceful. I managed to get a few hours sleep each night and then drove to Gold Coast twice during the days. Then the solar eclipse happened and the shit hit the fan. For 7 nights solid it was chaos, accidents, heart attacks, 3 ambulances turning up at once, lots of people going crazy and having to be forcibly sedated and sectioned to Lismore Hospital, which itself was under severe stress so they had a block on all transfers. Serious stress every night. This didn’t seem to have anything to do with being tourists on a bus, this was like going to battle every night!

I could only think that maybe a lot of karmic stuff was being worked out very quickly. After all, if Truthfulness was going to be the Foundation of the New World Order, then a lot of people were going to be hit very hard very quickly I guessed. But I started hoping and praying for some relief after a few nights of it, and in fact last night Oct 29 seems to have marked a shift, and for the first time in a week we actually had time to chat with other staff members.


During the week I also watched closely the progress of the massive sun spot number 2192 on Suspicious Observer news – it was the first time I had watched a sun spot in it’s progress from right to left as the Sun made its own revolution in respect of the earth.

It all started on October 15 when this spot released a huge solar eruption and CME which was unusual for it’s long duration, even before it swung into view, as in Ben Davidson’s words, ‘Mercury swung in to commence 10 days of highly significant planetary geometry.’ 

 If it wasn’t for this massive coronal ejection, which was not earth directed but still caused a radio blackout on a large part of the Earth, we wouldn’t have actually seen this sunspot till October 16th the Feast Of Ilm Knowledge. And then it took 13 days till we got the last glimpses of this beautiful sunspot grouping, still sputtering and throwing out M and X class flares, as it left the earth-facing disc on the 29th - 30th October. Apart from the first CME, which marked an up tick in earthquake activity, none of the rest of its flares had any CME associated. So I found the normal period of view for a sunspot group on the earth is 13  - 14 days, in this case 14 – haha! And this means the suns period of rotation must be about 28 days – the same as the lunar cycle.

The earth in its turn rotates every 24 hours, and the Sunspot over the 13 days of its earth facing life, made a series of impressive M class and X Class flares, mostly facing the Pacific Ocean and South America, though surprising everyone with the fact that these flares were without any major Coronal Mass Ejections. On the18th there was again an unusually long flare – this was the one associated with the Aya Journey, then the next day the 19th there was the combustion event of Siding Spring with Mars.


Then the Solar eclipse on 23rd October marked a turbulent change in the atmosphere at the ED. It was like my sun was eclipsed that night as well. It was a terrible night and I had several very sick kids to look after. Normally very skilled and efficient in placing IV lines in kids, I found myself back in the fear and terror of the house surgeon days having a 5th attempt at an IV line sweating over a screaming infant, while there was chaos behind me in the ED. It was a traumatic night – and all I could do was go and sleep and get back to work the next night for 7 nights in a row!

On the 25th there was a line up of Earth Mercury Sun and Venus, and this conjunction was rewarded with the biggest flare -an X3 flare, but again without any Coronal Mass Ejection.


It is dawning on me as I write that this sunspot is a beautiful entity on the Sun. These sunspot groups are the life forms - the Solar life forms, similar to the silicon crystalline life forms in the crystals. And in fact, thinking about it even more, they are pairs of life forms, because there does seem to be a definite polarity going on. There was definitely a male – female magnetic thing going on, and OMG – when you look at the sunspot grouping above, the flaring was mostly coming from the red circle, which would have to be the female form, with the blue being the male. And on SO news I had seen the blue (north pole at the moment) positive magnetic energy intensifying inside the negative (south pole at the moment) red circle prior to a flare, and realized it was very much like a sexual pairing of the magnetics that caused a solar flare, and almost always in this case without an ejection of plasma.

After that there were 3 more days of chaos and accidents in the ED before on the 29th with the sunspot grouping still sputtering and moving out of sight, things seem to be settling down. 

2192 – X3 flare October 25th 2014


And then early on the morning October 30th I was for the first time rewarded with the gift of being in the visible presence of Bahá'u'lláh! In the early morning hours before sunup in my Aya cave, after the emotional connection with Nabil-i-Akbar the night before when he understood and saw the Ancient Beauty for the first time, I was suddenly in the presence of Bahá'u'lláh.

We were on some stone steps, like in a medieval castle, and he was there in a richly brocaded royal blue robe, and he sat down on a step. I immediately sat down on the stone pavement below his level, and was stunned into humility at the feeling of the Beauty of his presence. He got up and left but felt like I was happy for eternity now I had felt the light, and I was happy to crouch here for the rest of eternity my soul was so happy. And then he came back and was with me for a while longer.

What a blessed dream, now I feel safe, and even more richly blessed, and forever assisted by the Concourse on high and the angels of the Abhá paradise, whom I have found to deliver as Abdu’l Baha promised, when he said if we called for aid and assistance they would come down in continuous succession to our aid.  And finally as a random access first thing in the morning after a dawn prayer to get a final word from the Ancient Beauty himself from that period in 1856 – 1859 when he came through with The Hidden Words, I came up with Number 38 in the Persian.

Burst thy cage asunder, and even as the phoenix of love soar into the firmament of holiness. Renounce thyself, and filled with the spirit of mercy, abide in the realm of celestial sanctity.

Wednesday 13 August 2014


This last weekend Anah and I had the chance to spend a couple of days with J.J. Hurtak and his wife Desiree at their Workshop on the Gold Coast, along with a couple of hundred other people interested in his Academy for Future Science and their teachings. Dr JJ had an engaging way of focusing his attention on his wife while delivering his impressive monologues and works from the Keys of Enoch, and their new book, The Overself Awakening, and delivered on the promise of consciousness expansion I had read on the email from the organiser, Darren Curtis from the City of Adelaide in South Australia.

The Academy For Future Science presents The Overself: Awakening To The Higher Universe The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® Currumbin RSL, Gold Coast, Queensland 9-11 August 2014
Consciousness expansion begins with us, and with it we can meet any serious challenges and begin to create a better world. In their latest book, The Overself Awakening: The Schoolhouse of the Soul, Drs Hurtak detail 72 stages of personal evolutionary growth that allow us to pursue our own personal transformation process.
 By exploring the new wonders of life in the cosmos, as well as those within us, we can discover the inner depths of our reality. This seminar will involve the use of music and meditation to help us move into deeper levels of awareness where we can unify body, mind and spirit. 

One of the nice things about the weekend was meeting up with Darren who has explored in great detail the area of Grid Point 44, Wilpena Pound, the pyramids of the ABC range and Chambers gorge. With his guitar and rich tenor voice he was also able very powerfully to resonate many of the sound chants that came with the 72 initiations in the new book, and everyone could palpably feel the elevating consciousness effect of chanting the tones, which are all identified with certain sites on the planetary grid as well. It turned out that the true nature of this new book is to take people to many different sacred power places in the world grid. 

There was a certain amount of negative synchronicity to show us that this was not the immediate path for us, when we almost had the very last copy of the new book in our grasp, only to have it sold to someone else while we looked for some cash! I did get a new copy of the Keys however. I had lost my copy of the Keys of Enoch when I left Jasen and Aimee's copy in the camper van after our winter solstice excursion to Grid Point 44 in 2011 and had to give them my copy - which they brought to the conference to be autographed. I was very happy though to secure one of the last few copies of the Keys left after the Nexus Conference and watched him inscribe a big heart on the front page and write Cornelius + Anah Beloved - Divine Love + Wisdom in the Keys of Enoch! May the Music of the Sacred Names bless you! Dr J.J.Hurtak xxx. Anah then took the book to Dr Desiree, who inscribed on the next page - Let the Kether Crown of Light Over you be Activated - Ain Soph Or! Desiree Hurtak. 

The good doctor had a very unusual look about him, quite unique to anything I had ever seen, though there was a younger version of him at the gathering as well, a blond look-alike (named Bradley Pitt) with the same black beret, white collar, black vest, something similar to jewish orthodox beard (but no sidelocks). Dr Hurtak was indeed immersed deeply in the mystical Jewish traditions, the Zohar and the Kabala, and talked about how he had as a young man been taken 'into the future' by Enoch, where he met 'whole light beings' such as Metatron and Melchizedek. 

The Zedek (or Zadok) priesthood in my mind at the moment was under a little bit of shadow, after the last few weeks of witnessing on the world wide web the cynical mass murdering of women and children on the Gaza strip by the Zionist Israeli government and defence force. My mind was resonating with what I was hearing from John Lash in his conversation on Red Ice, where he identified Israel as the primary site of the Archonic infection that has infested the human race, and is still bringing slaughter and mayhem, in a sub species which considers itself superior to the rest of humanity, and to whom the majority of humanity, in their minds, is destined to be enslaved.  

I was looking for some proof that Dr Hurtak was on the side of Light and his eccentric hairstyle did not mean he was infected with the extraterrestrial parasite! Indeed, he and his wife appeared to have warm open hearts and their work was all about rediscovering the very ancient history of the planet and supporting the survival of several ancient living cultures. A new view of the Melchizedek priesthood was coming into focus as an extremely ancient brotherhood of Light who act as guides for humanity and have left archeological remnants from very ancient periods going into hundreds of thousands of years of our history, which are now being uncovered by intrepid explorers like the Hurtaks in spite of the continued occupation and infestation of some of the recent historical sites in the Land of Palestine. 

Looking for some more enlightenment on the whole mess the planet seems to be in at the moment I made a random access in the Keys, and came up with Key 2-0-9 on page 255, where I read in Verse 1. 

1. This Key of Enoch tells us that the brain energies which were materialised at the beginning of the present consciousness frequency, our Light-Life zone, will be the same energies that will reappear and re-organise our fields of consciousness materialisation at the end of the present program as we are resurrected into new consciousness thought-forms. 

Reading further in the Key I discovered the story of how mankind was evolved from 'a fallen magnetic blueprint of intelligence transferred to this sphere by the Fallen Watchers' - in other words how we came to be infected by the Archonic thought forms, way back in time... 

11. During the Alpha cycle of creation, Adamic Man as the fallen Light body incarnation is seen in contrast to Adamic Man at the end of the Omega cycle. We see the first Adamic Man being made by the life processes of YHWH, directly through star creation in the higher heavens. In the process of extending this creation to new regions of the heavens, the Adamic creation was intercepted by the fallen Watchers and transposed into imperfect physical-light. 

12. Now at the end of this cycle we are seeing the second Adamic Man being made through the visitation of the Lords of Light or the Higher Intelligence which reprograms him because he has lost his conceptual apparatus of telethought communication. Since he has lost the ability to reconcile multi-dimensional levels of consciousness programming, the Elohim factor takes over and programs the survival mechanisms in the second Adamic Man's identity patterns so that he can go back into the Light form of the Adam Kadmon. 

13. 1 Corinthians 15: 47-49 continues: "The first man is out of the earth and made of dust; the second man is out of heaven.
14. "As the one made of dust is, so those made of dust are also; and as the heavenly one is, so those who are heavenly are also. 
15. "And just as we have borne the image of one made of dust, we shall bear also the image of the heavenly one."

16. We must understand that in this key of Zohar, and in this key from Enoch, the planetary Adamic Race upon this dust world creation was evolved out of a fallen magnetic blueprint of intelligence transferred to this sphere by the fallen Watchers who intercepted one manifestation of the many divine Adam Kadmon creations. The Adamic society which has fallen from Light must be measured in terms of the worlds that preceded this world and the world that will be restored so that the Adamic Light force can shine as the brightness of the many heavens and participate in the many star evolutions, the star wisdom that was originally intended for Man. And when Man can return to the image and similitude of the original Adam that the Elohim created, known in the Zohar as the Adam Kadmon, then, Man can once again go from this star body of material form located in Population I Life Systems into Population II  Life Systems which form the collective intelligence in the centre of our local universe - the Central Control of our galactic River of Life.

It appeared to be a very appropriate random access for elucidation of my question - the Keys were still working as a book of Knowledge, kind of like a Tarot deck that could be used by shuffling and picking random cards that certainly did not appear to be random in their collective message. In this case my question was how the human race fell out of balance and ended up with the gruesome history of the last ten thousand years (at least) of bloodshed and warfare??? This was not just a problem of one race of people on the planet - the so-called Abrahamic virus - it was a problem that had infected the whole of mankind, and according to the Keys it started on Mt Hermon, in present day Syria, where the final battle appears to be playing out. 

Im my further reading trying to understand this I came across an interesting  controversial exchange between a scholar named Carol S Matthews, and a lawyer representing Dr JJ and The Book of Knowledge.  Dr Matthews had been critical of the language in the very Key I had chosen as a ramdom access (Key 2-0-9) along with another Key that covered a similar subject, though from the view of astrophysics (Key 1-0-9) In her words following she was pointing out that these Keys appeared to be pointing the blame at one particular section of humanity - the Muslims - as the infected section, and this infection appeared to be related to the geometries of the black cube. To quote Carol S Matthews. 

'As an example of Hurtak’s commentary in this portion I simply offer the following, in Hurtak’s own words, taken from this first paragraph of this section: “Just as our living universe has a pyramid of light as the central matrix for star evolution between the universes of intelligence, so also the anti-universe has its matrix of dark cubic space which is the violation of the Living Light exemplified in the Kabba, the Black Cube in Mecca.” 
Further in the commentary of Key 109 (page 86) Hurtak says : “The Sons of Light, the B’nai Or, have established a light pyramid functioning on this end of the light spectrum in relationship to the Pleiades and Orion.  Conversely, the Black Cube functions with alpha Draconis for the Children of Darkness. The Black Cube is symbolic of all the anti-matter which passes through our planetary system of creation.  It shows ‘alpha and omega’ tracings of sub-atomic decay and dying star properties.  To save the peoples of the world who are under the energies of the Black Cube is to bring them the Torah Or, God’s program of Light….”     The text goes on from there.
I focused on Key 109 because this Key seems to provide a central place wherein the “astrophysics,” or perhaps more accurately, the creative occult synthesis developed in the “The Book of Knowledge” takes place.  But lest anyone think that such themes and terms are limited to the text in Key 109, I will refer the reader to Key 209 (page 258) wherein Hurtak’s commentary warns: “The Black Cube geometries of destruction must not be offered up as our consolation, for verily, it would be our destruction.  The righteous must clearly see the spiritual dialectic taking place between those who choose the Pyramid of Light as the touchstone for evolution in the higher spiral of Light as opposed to those who choose the Black Cube which contains the codes for containment of the flesh, retrogressive evolution with three-dimensional form, and the annihilation of the hope for spiritual liberation.  These codes were placed in the Black Cube as a witness to the fallen teachings that were removed from the Garden of Eden at the time of the spiritual fall.'
For his part the letter delivered by Dr JJ's lawyer pointed out that in fact the Keys of Enoch ultimately views all races of humanity as one and throws light on how religion and science are (in Abdu'l-Baha's words) the two wings of the bird of Man's Intelligence, and finally points out Dr Hurtak's laudable project to build a shrine of peace commemorating all 3 Abrahamic religions on Mt Hermon where the fallen Watchers were said to have descended to interact with mankind. 
'Such statements made by Matthews as "As Muslims circumambulate around their most sacred shrine in Mecca, they are exhibiting the 'black hole function' of refusing to evolve up to the next level of organic organization" are her own words and do not even come close to any commentary that could be found in The Keys of Enoch®.  Further terminology of Ms. Matthews that Muslims guided by extraterrestrial forces from alpha Draconis are "vampirically infected by the resulting energies of degeneration, vengeance and anti-evolution" are also NOT to be found in Hurtak's writing. Instead of listening to someone who seems to not understand what they are reading, nor has ever asked the author for his understanding, we recommend that each reader is invited to carefully read and re-read the Keys of Enoch®
'I believe the reader will find that the Keys instead throw light on how science and religion share common objectives for humanity. This understanding according to Hurtak is that we are all apart of one person (Adam) who emerges out of material reductionism.  Far from being a book of racial intolerance, this book is in keeping with the spirit of Divine Love in showing the symbols of all major religions are from the higher Divine Source that is beyond cultural and  linguistic separations of history. 
'In short, The Book of Knowledge clearly acknowledges that the Black Cube of Mecca represents an astrophysical power point connected with the heavens in determining the axis mundi of the world.  The very way that Mecca is mentioned clearly reflects that it is an astrophysical mirror for heavenly events.  One sees that the emphasis is bringing together the many disciplines of archaeology, astronomy, cosmology and the direct experience of the higher nature of 'unity' with all branches of the human race.
'Finally, Dr. Hurtak has argued and presented to the Parliament of the World's Religions at its meeting in Barcelona, Spain (July 2004) and its previous meeting in Capetown, South Africa (1999), that we must all have respect for all religions and faiths. At the Barcelona conference, his students presented an architectural model with the symbols of the three religions of Abraham with the hope of building a shrine of peace on the Golan Heights as a central focus of brotherhood.  Traditionally, Mt. Hermon in the Golan is the place where the angels of the Most High God were said to come down to earth.  Dr. Hurtak has argued before world wide audiences for compassion, brotherhood and unity and the need to build a shrine to all three religions, the religions of Abraham, in this sacred location.'  James Traitz  
The Journey the Hurtak's took us on through the weekend indeed encompassed all religions and many sacred sites around the world, even sites from the sunken Continent of Mu like Yoniguni off Japan. We spent an hour or so looking at ancient sites in Central Asia and making Sanskrit chants. Though he did not mention Baha'u'llah or the Baha'i faith Dr Hurtak's tack is very similar attempting to bring unity amongst all religions and races, while also emphasising their uniqueneess and honouring the diversity of the  past history and ancient sacred places.  
My own view of the Archonic infection afflicting the human race is that it is through our addiction to eating the flesh and blood of our own cousins, the animals on this planet. Just as we have a spirit ancestry in the stars, so too do we have a flesh and blood ancestry running back into the mists of time on this planet. We have seen how human cannibalism leads to diseases like Jacob-Kreutzfeld and other brain degeneration disorders - so I believe has happened to us with eating meat in general - we all have a brain degeneration disorder through thousands of years of ancestral history of spilling blood and eating meat.  
John Lash in his conversation on Red Ice identified the Archonic infection as Toxoplasmosis, which people who do not eat pork (Jews and Muslims) were particularly prone to - but somehow I think he got it a bit wrong. I think it actually goes back to the myth of Cain and Abel,  the story in the Bible of the God who found the blood sacrifice of Abel more pleasing than the plants and fruits of Cain (a name meaning King) Of course the story has been turned by the infesting Archonic Intelligence into a story honouring the blood sacrifice and the eating of meat. The real original myth was the story of Set and Osiris- the two brothers who were Kings of their respected lands. It was Set who drank the blood of elephants and tore the wild lettuce by the roots, until his land was a desert, and then he cast an envious eye on the land of Osiris, which was a harmonious fruit and grain eating culture. Thus the story of how deception entered the world so Set could take his brother's land, was related to their different ethics when it came to eating meat. 
In this regard Anah and I were mildly depressed to find out that we were the only Vegans in the whole gathering -vastly outnumbered, and this could have been the seal of the negative synchronicity. Indeed Day 3 was to be a more informal gathering in a retreat in the hinterland of the Gold Coast, where we would have a chance to ask lots of questions.  Programming the address into the GPS we found we would arrive 45 minutes late but decided to go anyway - and we were only 5 kms away when the road was blocked by a herd of young steers coming across the one way bridge, all looking benignly at us not putting one thought to their destiny as beef steaks. Once the herd had gone we drove across the bridge to find a dead end!  The farmer told us that the road from here was not yet constructed - this was a common thing people being led up here by their GPSs and she had tried to call the GPS people but they still had the road on the map.  We would have to back track to the coast and go around the long way, she said, which would have put us at least an hour and a half late, so instead we drove back to Jasen and Aimee's house, thinking about the synchronicity, and feeling deep within ourselves that, yes indeed, this arrogance of believing we had the right to eat our fellow citizens, was indeed the archonic infestation on our planet. 
I was able in the brief moments I spent with Dr Hurtak, to connect on a deep level, and I was glad to be able to gift him a copy of my Crystal Mission, bearing within it the tohunga's map for the transformation of the planet, which was also his traveling map, and at the same time a reflection of the dodeca-icosa grid and its access point at Grid point Number 45. Now during this talk I had percieved the map for ascension the Hurtaks were building up in their new book was also almost a perfect reflection of the old tohunga's map, and I was glad to be able to gift this to the Drs Hurtak as they set off on the next phase of their quest to discover the ancient doorways in New Zealand Aotearoa. 
One of the things I learnt at the gathering was that Grid Point 44 was a Natural Time warp zone, but the related structures at Wilpena Pound created an artificial Time Warp Zone, like the one in the Yucatan we had visited on the first Crystal Mission way back in 1991.  Also I remembered that the dodeca-icosa grid was the female grid and related to the pyramid structures on the planet, while the cube--octahedral reconstruction, defined by Bruce Cathie,  appeared to be the male grid. Also after the journey to Petra and the Valley of Edom last year I had become increasingly persuaded that the  Valley of Edom was the real Mecca and the original place of the kaaba black cube, just as it was the original Mt Sinai.  More pieces were coming in to fill the jigsaw but I was far from putting it all together, so I was bit sad to not be able to get to the 3rd day of the workshop, and trust that all will eventually become as clear as the river of crystal promised in the Book of Revelation.